Walker Supports Riverlea Community
I saw The Bunyip (It’s Boom time in our region”, Progress in the North Feature. The Bunyip 27/10/21) refer to our Riverlea masterplanned community, as the jewel in the crown.
It gave me immense satisfaction and pride to know we are making such a positive impact on the community, just 8 months after launch.
I’ve always believed in every Australian being able to have the chance to own their own home and the dream is becoming real for hundreds of excited families who will now be able to lay down the foundations of their dream home.
One of the most effective ways to futureproof any city against housing affordability issues is to boost supply. Our 12,000 homes for 30,000 residents over the next 30 years, will give a vital shot in the arm for the growing North Adelaide population.
Importantly, wherever Walker Corporation transforms urban communities, our Walker Family Foundation supports the communities we are involved in. This includes investment in education, health and cultural values which ensures our community legacy also benefits future generations who come to live in Riverlea and the surrounding northern suburbs.
Walker’s team continues to finetune every element of Riverlea with phase one of the Retail Centre attracting strong interest from childcare, medical and pathology, wellness, gyms, supermarkets and taverns.